Bölümümüzün her yıl düzenlediği “Edges” seminer serilerinin bu dönemki ilkini O.D.T.Ü. Yabancı Diller Eğitimi Bölümünden Doç. Dr. Margaret J-M. Sönmez “The History of English Scripts” adlı konuşmasıyla verecektir. Seminer 7 Kasım Perşembe günü saat 11:20 – 12:10 arasında, Merkez Kampüs Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi seminer odasında olacaktır. İlgilenenleri aramızda görmekten mutluluk duyarız.
The fourth speaker of the seminar series “Edges” will be Assist. Prof. Dr. Cem Kılıçarslan from the Department of American Culture and Literature, Hacettepe University. His talk titled “Franskenstein vs. The Alien: The Others in Science Fiction” will be on April 26 (Thurday) at 14.20 in RA-05.
The third speaker of the seminar series “Edges” will be Assoc. Prof. Tanfer Emin Tunç from the Department of American Culture and Literature, Hacettepe University. Her talk titled “Mapping the Landscape of Love: American Sentimental Cartography and the Terrain of the Heart” will be on March 16 (Friday) at 11:20 at the third lecture hall.
Our second seminar will be given by David Fay (American Embassy Language Officer) on “Critical Thinking in the Digital Age” in the Blue Hall on December 12 (Tuesday) at 11:20.
The Department of English Language and Literature will be organizing seminars and inviting speakers in the field of literature as well as related fields in the 2017-2018 academic year. The seminar series is called “Edges: Seminar Series in English Studies”, as the focus of the talks will be on challenging the boundaries of canonical studies and exploring divergent possibilities in literature and the humanities. We are interested in creating a medium for interdisciplinary conversation; strengthening collaboration among academics working in different institutions and/or different fields; and introducing current debates, ideas, issues, writers, artists or thinkers.
The first speaker in the series is Sinan Akıllı (Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University). His talk on “Horse-Human Entanglements in the English Novel of the Anthropocene” will be in the Blue Hall on November 15 (Wednesday) at 13:20.